Church Hurt Counseling

Helping You Heal While Strengthening Your Faith

Church Hurt counseling

Don’t let community failures shake your faith. Seek church hurt counseling to heal your spirit and strengthen your walk with Christ.

Grace Christian Counseling Helps You Rebuild

The Pain and Abuse You Endured Deserves Acknowledgement

  • Understanding the Source: Healing from church hurt means identifying from where it came. Faith-based counseling digs deep into your experiences to unearth the source.
  • Removing the Taboo: Overcoming church-related pain requires speaking about it openly and honestly. However, these issues are often encircled by a taboo that prevents people from talking about them.
  • Constructive Communication: You can resolve some types of church hurt through open conversations based on Christ’s love. Church hurt counseling opens the door to such discussions.
  • Biblical Reconciliation: The Bible contains numerous words of wisdom to aid in recovery from church hurt. A scriptural foundation rebuilds your sense of community and faith.

Recovering Through Church Hurt Counseling

Church hurt happens when your loved and trusted church betrays you. The hurt can come from church leaders, fellow congregation members, and other influences within the church. The pain and confusion you feel is valid, no matter the source.

Combining Biblical and Clinical Tactics

Grace Christian Counseling builds the foundation for church trauma therapy on Christ and the Bible. We further develop our approaches through evidence-based clinical approaches to personalize how you work through church hurt.

Finding Peace and Forgiveness

Christ’s teachings promote finding peace through him. Peace helps you forgive those who have wronged you, allowing you to move on and grow in your walk with Jesus. Seeking counseling for church-related trauma helps you constructively process the pain to arrive at a place of peace and forgiveness.

Healing the Damage Through Christ

Whether you make amends with your church or move on to a new one, you will feel heard and understood in your decision. Our counselors can also help you make the right choice for you and your family, providing much-needed guidance throughout the process.

Find the Support You Deserve

Don’t carry the burden of church hurt by yourself.

But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Matthew 5:44

A Multifaceted Approach to Healing with Grace Christian Counseling

Church hurt and trauma can fuel a whole host of other issues. Call 724-863-7223 to learn about Christian counseling for anxiety and depression in the fallout of church hurt.

Frequently Asked Questions

Navigating church upheaval can be difficult. We answered a few related questions below.

How can I know when to leave my church?

You can know when to leave your church through prayer and seeking additional resources like Christian counseling for church hurt.

What should I do when I feel disconnected from my church?

When you feel disconnected from your church, speak to trusted church leaders about your feelings. Church hurt counseling can also help you navigate these struggles in a Christ-like manner.

What does the Bible say about church hurt?

The Bible has lots to say about church hurt. Philippians 1:27 offers an excellent first stepping stone: “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.”

Grace’s Counseling Blueprint

Integrating Biblical & Clinical Care

Take off the Mask

Grace counselors act as a mirror reflecting back to you how God actually sees you. Imagine embracing how God sees you rather than hiding behind a mask.

Heal the Wounds

Our Christian counselors help you unpack your pain and trauma. Once you’ve located the root issues, we will work together to create healing for your wound.

Remove the Toxins

While it’s tempting to create another mask, our integrated Christian counseling helps you remove the toxic beliefs that are harming you.

Replace with Truth

All truth resides from God’s perspective and is critical for your transformation. To be all that you can be, it is vital for you to understand who you were always created to be. 

Your Healing Journey Begins Here!

Find the Freedom God Desires for You!



Other Services

Explore a few ways Grace Christian Counselors can help

Grief Counseling

Losing someone you love hurts really bad. How do you keep going when your heart has been ripped from your chest? At first, you’ll likely find support all around. But after a few weeks, the calls, visits, and food stop, and now, you’re alone. You don’t have to journey through grief alone. Grace’s Christian counselors are trained to guide you through this difficult season.

Trauma Counseling

Just over half of us will experience at least one traumatic event in our lives. Trauma can occur through any event that causes you psychological or emotional harm. Some common events are chronic abuse, sexual violence, being bullied, or abandonment. Our Christian counselors use clinically-informed therapies to help you confront your trauma with coping skills you need to break free.

Sexual Addiction Counseling

Do you feel trapped by always thinking about sex? Does your preoccupation with sex interfere with your daily life? Are you putting yourself or others in danger to fulfill your sexual urges? Grace Christian counselors use evidence-based therapies centered around Christ to help you regain your life from the guilt, shame, and disconnection in sexual addiction.

Spiritual Abuse/Church Hurt Counseling

How do you regain clarity about who God is, your identity, and trust for the people of God after being spiritually abused? Churches are supposed to be communities built around deep love for and trust in one another, especially the leadership. Our counselors are ready to help you navigate through your spiritual pain so that you can be free in God and the church.

Spiritual Warfare Counseling

As Christian counselors we understand that there is more going on than just what meets the eye. Since we apply the best and most current clinically-informed therapies from a biblical worldview, we do not neglect the spiritual component of your identity. We are all involved in a spiritual war, and Grace Christian counselors are ready to equip you with the spiritual weapons you need to succeed.

Anxiety & Depression Counseling

Anxiety and depression distort how we feel, think, and handle mundane activities such as sleep, nutrition, and work for extended periods of time. Both are among the most effectively treated mental disorders with routine therapy being one of the most effective treatment options.

Christ Centered

We believe that Jesus is essential to understanding our identity and purpose. 

Clinical Counseling

We provide counseling that blends faith-based principles with clinically informed care. 

At Your Convenience

For your convenience we provide in-person or online counseling sessions.

Caring Counselors

We prioritize building authentic connections with all  of our clients. 

Let's Get Started

Take the first step in your healing and let us know how we can help.

Grace Christian Counseling

A Lamp for your feet and

A Light on your path