Grace Christian Locations
In-Person Christian Counseling in Western Pennsylvania
Online Counseling available throughout Pennsylvania
Find the Right Counselor for You
We have a diverse group of counselors who are ready to meet your unique needs
See What Others Are Saying
Grace’s Counseling Blueprint
Integrating Biblical & Clinical Care
Take off the Mask
Grace counselors act as a mirror reflecting back to you how God actually sees you. Imagine embracing how God sees you rather than putting on a mask.
Heal the Wounds
Our Christian counselors help you unpack your pain. Once you’ve located the root issues, you’ll work together to create healing for your wound.
Remove the Toxins
While it’s tempting to create another mask, our integrated Christian counseling helps you remove the toxic beliefs that are rotting you.
Replace with Truth
All truth is God’s and is critical for your transformation. To be all that you can be, it’s vital you understand who you were created to be.